digital transformation

How to do a SEO competitive analysis

SEO competitive is done by researching your competitors' websites to learn about their keywords, content, and link building strategies,

Conducting a SEO competitive analysis involves evaluating your website against your competitors' with the goal of identifying areas for improvement in terms of search engine optimization. This is done by researching your competitors' websites to learn about their keywords, content, and link building strategies, as well as to identify any strengths and weaknesses in their approach. It's also important to track your own website's performance and changes in ranking and traffic. Regular competitive analysis can provide insights into your competitors' tactics and help you maintain a higher ranking in search engines.

Additionally, you can use tools such as keyword research and analysis tools, Google Analytics, and backlink analysis tools to help you with the competitive analysis. It's important to keep in mind that SEO is an ongoing process and requires consistent monitoring and optimization. A SEO competitive analysis should be a regular part of your overall digital marketing strategy to stay ahead of your competition and improve your website's visibility in search engines. By staying informed and proactive, you can ensure that your website is optimized for search engines and attract more organic traffic to your site.

Finally, it's crucial to understand the importance of creating unique and high-quality content. Your competitors may be ranking higher because of their unique and engaging content. It's important to keep an eye on your competitors' content strategies and to continually work on creating relevant and valuable content for your audience. This can include blog posts, infographics, videos, and other types of multimedia content. By providing valuable information and a positive user experience, you can establish yourself as an authority in your industry and improve your website's rankings in search engines. Overall, a SEO competitive analysis can help you stay ahead of the competition and make informed decisions about your digital marketing strategy.

It's also important to keep in mind that the search engine algorithms and ranking factors are constantly evolving, so it's necessary to stay up to date on the latest industry trends and best practices. This can include keeping up with changes to search engine algorithms, the latest content marketing strategies, and new tools and technologies that can improve your website's visibility. By staying informed and proactive, you can stay ahead of your competition and make the most of your digital marketing efforts. Remember, a SEO competitive analysis is not a one-time event, but rather a continuous process that requires consistent monitoring and optimization. By taking the time to regularly analyze your website and your competitors' websites, you can improve your website's ranking potential and attract more organic traffic to your site.

Here are a few examples of how a SEO competitive analysis could be applied in a Hong Kong context:

  1. Keyword research: By analyzing your competitors' websites and using keyword research tools, you can identify popular keywords related to your business in Hong Kong and target those in your own website's content and meta tags.

  2. Content analysis: By studying the types of content your competitors are producing and the topics they are focusing on, you can gain insight into what works well in your industry in Hong Kong and adapt your own content strategy accordingly.

  3. Backlink analysis: By using backlink analysis tools, you can evaluate the quality and quantity of your competitors' backlinks and identify opportunities to build your own backlink profile.

  4. Google Analytics: By using Google Analytics, you can monitor your own website's traffic and see how it compares to your competitors' websites in terms of organic search traffic, bounce rates, and other important metrics.

  5. Industry trends: By keeping up with the latest industry trends and best practices in Hong Kong, you can stay ahead of your competition and ensure that your website is optimized for search engines.

By conducting a thorough and ongoing SEO competitive analysis, you can identify areas for improvement and make informed decisions about your digital marketing strategy in Hong Kong.

In conclusion, a SEO competitive analysis is a crucial part of any digital marketing strategy. By researching your competitors' websites and monitoring your own performance, you can gain valuable insights and identify areas for improvement. Regular analysis can help you stay ahead of the competition and improve your website's visibility in search engines. Don't forget to focus on creating unique and high-quality content, and to use tools and resources to support your analysis. With a comprehensive and ongoing SEO competitive analysis, you can stay ahead of the curve and achieve long-term success in search engine optimization.

Learn more about how to have a holistic social media and digital marketing strategies by joining our globally recognised certificate course today - taught by the industry experts!

How to use email for inbound marketing?

An inbound email campaign engages people who have already shown interest in your brand or product/service through email. It may be through a free trial, sign-up, download, or take-up of an offer. 

In 2025, Statista estimates there will be nearly 4.6 billion email users, with marketers reporting an increase in email usage. Email's ROI of 36 cents per dollar is also impressive. 

Email can be used in a variety of ways to engage leads. Here are the four most popular.

1) Welcome or onboarding email

It's important to send a welcome or onboarding email to contacts when they sign up for a newsletter or offer. Once they express interest, you can put your brand in front of them within minutes. 

This example from SaaS company, MindBody, shows an email welcoming a customer and telling them their options for improving their wellness approach. A link to their Instagram account is also included at the end.

Mind Body email

2) Cart abandonment

You can send an email to remind a customer of their intention when they add a product to their cart but abandon it for some reason. 

With Le Tote's follow-up copy that includes 'it's about to expire' to drive urgency, and a CTA that reads 'Start Renting Now', the online women's clothing retailer reengages prospects with clean imagery and smart, simple copy. 

Let Tote cart abandonment email

3) Discount or special offer

Contacts who have been inactive on your site or have not engaged with your brand can be reengaged by discounts or exclusive offers. In this example, the Google Store offers a range of summer deals on devices with a simple call to action of 'Shop Now'. 

Google email

4) Trends or ‘best of’

Emails that are relevant to your audience and focus on your sector can help you promote yourself as an industry leader. Linking to a blog or landing page for a downloadable asset can not only engage a prospect but also capture more information about them. 

Fiverr's example highlights small business trends with a short description and a call to action to get people to the needs index. Consider creating or repurposing assets to drive email engagement. 

You might want to create an article on upcoming trends, such as ours on 'The Next Big Digital Marketing Trends in 2022', to help drive traffic.

Fiverr email

Email inbound marketing tools

The MailChimp email marketing tool is a great choice for beginners and experts alike. Email campaigns can be tracked, lists can be managed, segmentation can be applied, and email templates can be developed and tested. 

Use Klaviyo to personalize emails and SMS, scale emails and segment users based on behavior and preferences. 

Learn more about how to have a holistic social media and digital marketing strategies by joining our globally recognised certificate course today - taught by the industry experts!

Source: Digital Marketing Institute

Three ways to support employees' digital skills development

In the process of digital transformation, people are just as important as the technologies, processes, and infrastructure. 


Investing in the future of its employees is an important aspect of digital transformation, not only to drive digital maturity but to demonstrate a commitment to its culture.

The pressure to improve learning and development opportunities across industries continues to increase, so those in charge of skills progression need to find new ways to empower employees and provide them with opportunities to grow.

LinkedIn's Workplace Learning Report reveals 94% of working professionals are loyal to their current employer if it invests in their continuous learning.  

Why is it so important for businesses to drive the 'people' part of digital transformation? To answer that question, we must examine three essential elements: mindset, skillset, and toolset.



Digital transformation is about leadership, strategy, and culture at the mindset stage. Ultimately, the business wants to adopt a digital culture.

Senior executives were once blamed for slow digital transformation progression, but it now appears that frontline staff are causing the problem.

It is true that CEOs are heavily involved in (and committed to) transformational change, but many frontline employees find the process to be more challenging. Although this is true, McKinsey & Company studies demonstrate that many organizations have difficulty attracting and training tech-savvy executives.


Upskilling talent

For a seamless digital transformation process to succeed, communication and empowerment are the key components. 


Communication – Companies that communicate effectively with employees across all levels are more likely to succeed with transformation compared with those that don't use it. 

Business owners and managers who implement effective communication programs and receive support outperform their competitors 3.5 times more often. What is seen to work in terms of communication is:


  • Communicate clearly about transformation goals

  • Engagement of the CEO in the transformation process

  • Data and information are regularly accessible

  • Visible engagement of senior leaders

  • The ability of frontline employees to see visible changes in their work environment

  • Continual commitment to employee training, learning, and development


Communication can be greatly aided by digital technologies, such as social media channels, change management apps, or games, and live feedback tools.

Empowerment – Many frontline staff members find it challenging to understand where their role fits in a transformation process. Providing employees with the opportunity to see how their involvement can help advance the transformation not only engages them in the process but also helps them understand how it affects the business's success.

Human Resources (HR) can assist in leading this process as they have the best understanding of the capabilities of employees and where skill gaps exist. Talent development can benefit employees, while recruitment can be used when employees in-house lack the required skills.


Investing in employees is empowerment, since satisfied employees feel valued and recognized by their employers. It was discovered by Deloitte that organizations with recognition have 14 percent higher employee engagement, productivity, and performance, and that a 15 percent increase in engagement results in a 2 percent increase in margins. 



Digital skills are unaffordable across industries due to a lack of workers.


A widening digital skills gap

There is still a substantial gap in the skillsets of organizations, despite digital natives and millennials entering the workforce. Currently, 70 percent of the current workforce (including young digital natives) feels they lack the skills they need to succeed. It's alarming, especially since today's businesses rely on millennials and Gen Zers to fill job openings.

In order to harness the evolution of digital technologies, it is necessary to continually boost the skills required to filter out platforms or initiatives that may not work and focus on those that do.

In PwC's U.S. Remote Work 2021 survey. It is anticipated that 72% of executives will invest in tools to improve virtual collaboration to aid in their digital transformation efforts.


Investing in internal talent is a must for modern businesses

Corporations face a huge problem because those with the skills can choose where to work and are in high demand across industries and sectors. 

Therefore, many highly skilled professionals in the market are in control and will choose companies offering the best salary package as well as learning and development opportunities.


An employee engagement survey conducted by Quantum Workplace found that 79 percent of employees are attracted to companies that provide continuous learning and development.

Rather than hiring to address the skills shortage issue, forward-thinking organizations are developing in-house talent to fill the gap.


Some corporations have learning and development initiatives, but scale and standardization are often issues, especially for those with large and global workforces. Digital skills are no longer limited to marketing departments, as digital is integrated throughout a company.

It is essential to provide certifications and accreditations that employees need to adhere to. The skills of the individual must be at a particular level in order for them to be accredited through a certification program. By applying these skills, they can drive the digital transformation of your organization by ensuring the same standards of capabilities across the entire workforce.


A number of HR department heads feel that having professionally certified employees has a positive impact on their organization's profitability. 

The benefits of certification offer employees both in their current roles and as they move into the future, and future hires look for this as part of an organization's learning and development program.



Different people learn in different ways. While some people still learn best through classroom settings or workshops, others learn best through online learning at their own pace and in their own environment. Combining the two works well for some, incorporating online learning into a classroom or workshop setting.


With the development of digital technologies, professionals seeking upskilling have turned to online learning. Having access to content whenever and wherever you need it is becoming more important as our lives become busier and time becomes more precious. 

Knowledge retention and skills increase by 25 to 60 percent through online learning. Flexible online learning models are a testament to their value. 


In comparison to face-to-face training, online learning also improves retention. Individuals are able to learn at their own pace and refer back to materials whenever necessary. Providing videos and webinars with a live Q&A at the end can bring great value to the program, as well as providing support networks that allow learners to interact with one another.


Reengage employees by monitoring

A major benefit of using digital tools for many organizations is that they can track how and what their employees learn. Resource popularity can be used to determine which resources are most effective. 


Individual progress can also be tracked, and any lagging behind or struggling participants can receive a simple email to motivate them to reengage. Those making progress can be congratulated for their progress and encouraged to keep learning using a similar approach.

The success of digital transformation depends on employees. Creating and cultivating a culture of digital maturity will enable an organization's workforce to drive its digital maturity and elevate it to the ranks of a digital leader.

Learn more about how to have a holistic social media marketing strategies by joining our globally recognised certificate course today - taught by the industry experts!

Source: Digital Marketing Institute

The State of Content Marketing in 2019

There's a saying that content is king. That applies to all industries in Hong Kong, to any business trying to reach and inform their customers. For advertising to work on a targeted audience, there must be something there that initially draws them in. In the old days of pre-digital marketing, that content was entertainment. People didn't normally enjoy commercials on TV for their own sake but viewed them because they were interspersed with the content that really engaged them, such as dramatic TV series, documentaries, or even news broadcasts.

In the digital world of the internet, content has a similar value. Not only is content marketing one of the top skills that every digital marketers should hone, it also is the next logical step of taking material that has appeal to a market and making it a marketing tool itself, rather than a "lure" to get the audience to view marketing. After all, why spend time creating content only tangentially related to your business, when you can make ads that are already a topic of interest? By making the content a part of the marketing, rather than an "assist" to the marketing, you have improved your chances of success. Content marketing has become an effective tool, and it's not going away anytime soon. In fact, content marketing is actually increasing in value and usefulness thanks to the tweaks and developments made in search algorithms.

So if you're looking into getting the most out of your content marketing, what should you be considering? These are things you need to think about going into 2019.

Value Is Your Primary Target

Content marketing is about providing meaningful content, but the interpretation of meaningful can vary. In the past, with simpler search engine algorithms, "fluff" or filler content was perfectly acceptable because simpler algorithms only looked at basic parameters, like how many times a particular keyword was used. So it wasn't unusual for early websites to have nonsensical gibberish, with a keyword placed at the bottom of the page 100 times to get the attention of a search engine.

Today, of course, that doesn't work. Search engines are smarter and will even hand out penalties for this unethical practice. Consumers are also looking for reliable content to inform purchasing decisions. Your content must have value, which can be broken up into three types based on its benefit to your target market.

  • Useful:

This kind of content assists readers. Useful content helps consumers or potential clients achieve a goal. When your content provides help, that creates a lot of value and generates positive feelings for your business and its image. People may also come back looking for more help in the future, establishing trust, loyalty, and authority.

  • Informative:

In some ways a parallel of useful, informative content creates value through education. The goal here is not necessarily to help a consumer achieve a specific goal in the way that a guide or tutorial might. Here, the aim is to teach a consumer something interesting or new that may potentially have uses in the future, even if it doesn't right now.

  • Entertainment:

The value of engaging content should never be underestimated. Just think about the fun people have interacting with and sharing memes or videos, the kind of things that go viral and are consumed by millions of people across the globe. Entertainment, when done well, has high value, perhaps the highest of all. Trying to create viral content with global entertainment value deliberately is a daunting task. Don't aspire to go viral but instead set out to truly engage your audience with a compelling piece of content.

Looking to improve your content strategies already? We have not one, but six helpful tips for you.

Distribution Is Always a Concern

Once you create good content marketing, where are you putting it? Do your customers know where to find it? Do they even know that it's out there? Marketing basics tell you to put your business out there on social media and through a website to build awareness, but make sure that your content itself is getting the same spotlight and consideration as your products and your marketing efforts.

The creation of a "content hub," for example, may deserve some marketing and creative attention of its own. If you're finding that your customers are increasingly coming to you for the usefulness of your content, make sure you continue to impress them. Useful content is "evergreen," and new customers will go to that old content again and again if it continues to remain relevant. Create a place where your articles, videos, podcasts, and other content can all be easily found. Then, do a little bit of marketing to make sure your ideal customers know about your useful library of resources.

Content Is Advertising

One of the most significant advantages of content marketing is that can operate as an ad in disguise. When you make your content the advertising itself, it is no longer an interruption to what people are searching for, but it is the goal. As an example, 615 million devices used AdBlock software in 2017, and that number has only been growing. So if you're creating an ad, banner, or another traditional type of internet advertising, millions of people aren't seeing it. They've taken the trouble to download and install software that blocks any attempt to interrupt their browsing.

However, with content marketing, the content is the advertising. That means you need to create content apart from cut-and-dry ads. Blogs, articles, podcasts, and videos are all better ways to advertise to your customers subtly. When you work toward creating valuable content that will entertain and educate your audience, you remain unaffected by things like AdBlock. People are deliberately seeking you out instead of shutting you out. Focus on positively driving people to seek out your marketing tools, your content, rather than interrupting what they're trying to achieve online.

Content Is Changing the Customer Relationship

In the past, the classic marketing funnel concentrated on building up awareness and creating a "short-term relationship" with a customer that lasted only until a purchase was made. Once that goal had been achieved, customers tended to be regarded as "spent assets" and were subsequently ignored unless they had an issue that required customer support to deal with it, so as not to impact a business's reputation.

Today, content marketing is now viewed as a way to create an ongoing relationship with a customer beyond making the initial purchase. Content marketing expands the way a customer interacts with a business, going beyond just giving that business money or requiring technical or customer support.

For instance, people who buy a musical instrument from an instrument manufacturer establish an ongoing connection with that business through content marketing. The might return to that business's website for FAQs or video tutorials or any other content. They might even scan the business's social media for answers to their questions or to connect with fellow customers. That customer is now in a "long-term relationship" with the company. The addition of good content on a regular basis extends the length and quality of that relationship.

Divert Resources to Video

If content is king, and content marketing is one of the biggest movers in marketing, then the undisputed king of kings is video. New studies indicate that in 2019, 80% of general consumer internet traffic will be the viewing of videos. That figure does not even account for video chat but refers merely to the consumption of pre-recorded videos or live video streaming.

Video is one of the best ways to get attention for content marketing because it is easy for the viewer to consume. Video also combines all three benefits of valuable content; it is useful and informative while also being entertaining. For companies that are willing to invest in a good production team and set of equipment, video can be a great way to quickly create content on a regular basis. When your content strategy is combined with other uses for video, such as live video broadcasts—especially with social influencers—you can quickly establish a relationship with customers and maintain it. Two types of video content are especially useful to customers, and they include:

  • Testimonials:

In the same way that the user review is one of the most critical pieces of research that potential customers undertake, video testimonials can be even more sought after. By showing other customers highlighting uses and positive aspects of your product or service, you are inspiring consumer confidence.

  • Tutorials or Demos:

People are always interested in learning new things and guaranteeing that a purchase is worthy. While detailed articles can be very enlightening, but sometimes, especially when involving an action, it is better to use a video. Create or share customer videos with actions, animations, and explanations to reinforce learning.

The important thing to note with these popular types of video content is that they are centred on enriching the customer's understanding of your products and furthering the customer's goals. Make sure that any actual marketing or advertising is secondary, and not pursued in an aggressive manner. You want these forms of video to build trust and authority. Consumers are very wary of being sold to. Like content marketing itself, the value of the content takes precedence over product or service promotion.

SEO Integration Is Still Important

Some may make the mistake of thinking that with the importance of quality content and the dominance of video as a marketing tool, SEO or search engine optimisation may not be as crucial in 2019. Nothing could be further from the truth. While the content is ultimately what your customer engages with, good SEO practices are still what enabled those consumers to find your content, if they were only inputting a general query into a search engine.

While SEO is important for "conventional" computer users on desktops and laptops, the push to prioritise mobile search and content consumption will continue into 2019, and there will be an even greater emphasis placed on optimising for voice search.

The rules and practices for voice search optimisation are not yet set in stone, and it will involve a bit of tweaking and experimentation. After all, search engines themselves will have to see what works best for people conducting searches via smartphone, and how it differs from other computer use. In the same way, the interface and outputs for verbal searches are very different. You don't have a visible SERP with meta descriptions to inform your next time. There are a lot of unknowns, so this is pioneer territory for SEO that you'll want to keep tabs on. Do not be daunted if you feel like SEO is an uncharted territory for you, there are courses for you to improve your knowledge of the subject quickly.

Social Media is Your Best Option for Sharing

Social media has become one of the most important means of communication and entertainment for the general public. And that means it has now become one of the most critical virtual spaces for marketing, including content marketing. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and many, many more are where people are digitally these days. As a result, it's no surprise that social media is where a lot of digital marketing takes place. Even customer support systems are moving over to social media, with some companies establishing reputations for themselves, such as the humour now associated with the Netflix Twitter account.

But general digital marketing isn’t limited to social media. Content marketing can be just as at home here as well. Videos can be published anywhere, whether it's on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest or directly on a company website. However, other types of content marketing, like blog articles and photos are still being successfully promoted on social media or linking back to fuller sites. A combination of proper social media usage, the careful selection of accompanying captions, tags, and cover images, and consistent engagement with consumers will all provide great results for your content marketing campaigns.

Produce High-Quality Content

The one thing that should never be forgotten is the cornerstone of content: quality. When you create a reputation for producing high-quality content, it will draw in new and repeat viewers. Quality is the more attractive part of content, and the market will reward you for it with more new customers and greater success! Don’t forget to keep learning and improving to keep yourself abreast of the latest trends, especially if you want to excel in the digital marketing career.

Source: Digital Marketing Institute

7 Essential Skills Every Digital Marketer Should Know

Even in a small city like Hong Kong, the digital industry is always vast, so it can be difficult to navigate for newcomers or those looking to find their niche; how do you set yourself apart from the competition and fast-track your way up the corporate ladder?

Check out these 7 essential skills to keep you relevant in the ever-changing digital industry.

1. Video

Video is taking the internet by storm and this isn’t about to stop. According to MarTech, videos have the potential to hold customer’s attention on retail sites for two minutes longer than average (which is really like a lifetime in the digital world) and a well-optimised video can boost your chances of being in a top Google ranking position by at least 50. In addition, more than 80% of customers are more likely to purchase a product after seeing it detailed in a video.

Bear in mind that these are just loose statistics are going to vary depending on who you ask, but the point is that most statistics point to much higher conversion, engagement and higher SEO rankings when it comes to video.

What makes it so engaging? Because it’s personal. When people can see your face (or the face of the person promoting the brand), they are more likely to trust the entire enterprise. It’s also a wonderfully versatile content to use through different platforms.

Digital marketing professionals don’t have to know everything about video production, of course, but knowing how to create a quick intro video from your laptop is a good place to start. And if you have some training in this area and you love it, your skills and talents will not be wasted as video will continue to be in demand.

If you want to learn more on your own, you can try out video editing tools like Apple Final Cut Pro X or Adobe Premiere Pro.

2. SEO & SEM

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is key to all levels of digital marketing and as such, anyone going into the field must have at least a basic handle on it. You can certainly leave the highly technical, back-end stuff to the more technically-oriented people on the team, having a solid understanding of best practices and how to optimise all forms of content is crucial for running a successful digital marketing campaign.

Both SEO and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) inform your entire digital strategy on both a data and content level, and you need to be able to communicate to other teammates about this, so you just won’t get far if you don’t make a point of learning the basics.

3. Content Marketing

Content is the core of digital marketing and content marketing will continue to be a crucial part of the game no matter what happens. But content marketing is a huge job in itself. You have to be able to understand how to not only create high quality, SEO-friendly content of various sorts, you also have to understand how to effectively get audiences to engage.

And to make things a little more challenging, it’s important to note that content can take many forms, from video to social, emails, web content, blogs, e-books, videos, whitepapers…the list goes on. You also have to have a firm grasp on social media marketing as this will tie in to most content marketing type of work. You’ll need to be able to strategise based on a given client’s overarching business goals, develop a campaign that involves an effective strategy, and monitor analytics as well

3. Data / Analytics

No matter what facet of digital marketing you are going into, Google Analytics will probably be central to your strategy. Monitoring and reporting via such tools is pretty straightforward, but the tricky part is how to gather and use that information to help you learn more about consumer behaviour and apply it to new solutions that boost traffic and conversions.

Most businesses (even small ones) have huge amounts of data to track, and great digital marketers need to understand how to gather and use this to their advantage. Most companies will always be looking for people who to only know how to “read” this data, but to know exactly which data to use towards improving business strategy in the future. If you can show that you can do this in innovative ways and that the way you do it ends with important results, you’re going to be a valuable asset in the industry.

4. Understand Design-Based Thinking & Planning

Design Thinking is a term that basically refers to a way of approaching problems from a user-centred perspective. The approach essentially encourages us to think in a human-centred way when solving large-scale complex problems.

According to The Interaction Design Foundation, there are 5 key phases to this process: empathise, define, ideate, prototype, and test. The reason why this works so well in the digital marketing sphere is that so much of it is (or should be) centred on the user experience. Another interesting thing about this approach is that it can be used in a non-linear way – so that in some instances you may get to the testing phase and then come back to the middle phase, for instance, to re-consider ideas.

Designers and developers are likely to use an approach like this, so even if you’re not one, it’s a good idea to at least have a solid understanding of it and apply it when feasible.  

5. Be Tech Savvy

Because the industry is really technology driven, you have to have a decent grip on technology as well as be able to learn it quickly. If you’re millennial-age or younger, this is probably going to be second-nature, but older generations may want to put a bit of elbow grease into teaching themselves not only specific technologies but also just getting familiar with the most commonly used software and tools in their focus area.

Generally, if you understand the basics of web coding, as well as having a clear idea of how to use the basic Content Management (CMS) systems like WordPress, you’re likely well on your way to landing that dream job, especially if you have a resume that highlights such points.

6. Be Persuasive

A great digital marketing leader will not only show up with great people skills; but they’ll also be able to combine analytical thinking with creative-problem solving to help teams come up with innovative campaign ideas to drive businesses forward.

And a big part of this is being persuasive. Can you convince someone else to purchase? What about convincing other team leaders that your idea is the best? This isn’t about arguing as much as having the confidence that you know what you’re doing and showing this in detail.  

7. Highlight Unusual Skill Sets

As far as soft skills go, great digital marketers should be curious, enjoy versatility, forward-thinking, business-focused and strategy-centred. But there is plenty of room in this field for all kinds of personalities and skills sets. To this end, it’s important that you leverage your own unique blend in order to stay competitive in the industry.

It may, for instance, be unusual to find someone well-versed in both back-end SEO strategy as well as be able to take on a managerial role, or it may be unusual to find someone with a computing science degree that also loves social media.  


A great digital marketing professional will have the ability to adapt quickly and learn on their own, even being ready to pivot into different digital careers as they choose or as needed should old skills become less in-demand. They will be working with diverse teams and clients, so they will have to know how to communicate well and build strong teams.

While there are a number of things that you will have to do in order to be competitive in the digital marketing career field, it’s important not to forget about leveraging and improving your hard and soft skills as you move forward into exciting new positions. Having a solid breadth of basic knowledge alongside depth in a few areas (what Rand Fishkin calls a T-Shaped Marketer) will help you get further than if you try to be a jack-of-all-trades.  

Source: Digital Marketing Institute

10 Reasons Your Business Should Invest in Digital Transformation

Regardless of sector or industry, to thrive on today's commercial battlefield, embracing the emerging technologies and trends is crucial.

If your business is looking to secure a sustainable commercial future, investing ample time, money and energy into your digital transformation strategy is a wise move.

By 2020, experts project that spending on digital transformation strategies will break $2 trillion globally. That's a colossal level of investment by companies across sectors. Hong Kong is no exception to this projection.

To inspire your efforts, here are 10 stats that will convince your business of the need to invest in digital transformation. 

Consumer Culture

1. 80% of today’s video consumption is video-based. Print media, while still relevant, is a less potent force than it once was. Today’s hunger for visual content is inherently digital and to connect with your target audience you have to provide engaging marketing materials that are video-based. Digital channels and touchpoints are the best way to deliver such communications.

2. Today’s average college student has never so much licked a postage stamp.In the age of the digital native, analog approaches to promotional as well as internal communication will seldom provide the results you need for success.

3. 61% of smartphone users admit to regularly sleeping with their smartphone under their pillow or next to their bed. A staggering insight that is a testament to today’s mobile-centric mindset. By investing in your mobile offerings, from applications to mobile-optimised landing pages and social media content, you stand to accelerate your business success in an increasingly digital age.

The State of Digital Transformation

Here we explore the current professional climate and as such, the necessity for digital transformation.

4. 76% of companies feel their relationship with technology and digital transformation is on the whole, average or above average. The vast majority of companies across sectors are on the path to digital transformation. If you fail to embrace the digital age and all it has to offer, you could fall behind the pack and risk becoming obsolete in the long run.

5. Around 70% of companies feel their CEOs’ practical understanding of emerging digital technologies to be solid or above average. If you feel that your understanding of digital methodologies and technologies in the digital age is lacking, now is the time to upskill.

6. 61% of enterprises state that the Internet of Things (IoT) plays a pivotal role in their digital business strategies, with manufacturing and high-tech leading all other sectors. By investing in the power of the IoT and its business-enhancing benefits, in addition to a host of other emerging digital technologies, you stand to accelerate your commercial success, exponentially.

The Power of Digital Transformation

Insights on the undeniable power of digital transformation in the modern age.

7. 56% of CEOs feel that digital advancements have already led to boosts in revenue. With this being the primary goal of business growth and acceleration, this is a clearcut case for investing in digital transformation.

8. By 2020, 47% of all revenue will be influenced by digital. Without a doubt, digital technologies will become all the more sophisticated in the not so distant future. To remain relevant and continue to foster growth, embracing the power of digital is a now a necessity rather than a far-flung luxury.

9. 39% of today's marketers plan to boost their digital budgets without increasing overall marketing spend, essentially reallocating their current budgets into digital channels. The wealth of digital channels, platforms and touchpoints available to today’s businesses is on the rise and by investing in such outlets, you stand to enjoy a healthy level of ongoing business success.

10. More than 50% of the world’s population are under the age of 30 - With over half of the population being under 30-years-old, there are more digital natives (or indeed, budding digital natives) than ever before. To continue appealing to this new generation of digitally-minded consumers, investing in digital transformation on a continual basis is nothing short of essential.


It’s clear that digital transformation is a sustainable means of commercial success today, tomorrow and long into the future in Hong Kong. 

If you haven’t done so already, you must embrace the unrivaled power and potential of digital transformation now, before it’s too late

Source: Digital Marketing Institute